Written by Dennis John Chadbourne (2006) – Ontario Regulated Homeopath

I am committed and dedicated to healing each individual enrolled in my “Turning the Past into New Beginnings” Homeopathic Solutions Program.

The goal of Homeopathic Medicine is to encourage one’s body to return to its natural state of balance and optimal health. Like the missing pieces of a puzzle, homeopathic remedies “fill in” the gaps within the body, to stimulate one’s own healing energies and potential. When this occurs, the body’s integral strength and wisdom facilitates natural healing processes, so that the need for “conventional” medicines and chemical-based “substances” is eliminated. I know that this happens, because I have personally experienced the healing force of homeopathic remedies.

The purpose of my treatment is to assist every client back to normal health, mentally, physically, and spiritually, by restoring and balancing the bio-chemical state of the body, as a whole.

The concern of conventional medicine with the state of each symptom, or how many symptoms are present, is often counter productive, because all symptoms, mental and physical, are linked to the same underlying problem. The underlying problem is often overlooked, which will only allow it to become more entrenched over time. This leaves the patient suffering, often unnecessarily, with a lifetime of physical and mental problems, that are continually increasing in severity, draining away precious energy and impacting quality of life.


My first symptoms appeared as a histamine reaction. In response, my body signaled a problem. In response to that signal, my skin produced a reaction. As I grew older, and the problem remained unaddressed, I experienced difficulty in breathing as the next signal from my body. This more advanced symptom is routinely called asthma.

As I grew, the asthma became an integral part of my suffering, causing me to use all available means, consciously or unconsciously, to relieve my symptom, altering my ways of coping with the situation, creating unrealistic fears about getting sick, or, when the symptoms were severe, worrying about death and dying. In response to the need to survive, my family and I tried all treatment options available to us, including medications, sleeping positions, and avoiding response-provoking situations. Over time, we developed all kinds of coping mechanisms. All this searching for relief seriously changed and influenced my learned reactions to situational events in life. In progression, as I grew to adulthood, the asthma became bronchitis, then chronic chest infections, which became bronchial pneumonia. Each time my respiratory system went into crisis, it increased my worries about survival, including my dependency on the associated tools of survival. As the years went by, the dysfunction of other major organs became evident. My lungs were at risk of developing pleurisy, the continual digestion of excessive antibiotics stressed my body and digestive system. This caused high PH levels in my body overall, leading to arthritic conditions. I was internally witnessing and experiencing the onset of many symptoms, causing ever increasing physical distress and mental strain.

By now, my desperation and lack of symptomatic relief was fueling a search for any possible alternatives. Anything was worth investigating in this seemingly hopeless situation. Fortunately for me, my Shaolin Kung Fu master and Chinese doctor suggested that I research Homeopathic Medicine. Through his suggestion, I registered to study homeopathy and then consulted with a homeopath; at the time, it seemed to be my last resort, however, after the fact, I realized that homeopathy should have been my first choice. However, such is the enormous grip and influence of today’s “modern” health system that we feel we must be driven to last resorts in order to be able to make a choice about our own very personal healthcare. Conventional medical care had worked in allowing me to function, but had no effect on recovering and the ever-increasing suffering had taken its toll on me.

Amazingly, 10 years later, now as a regulated homeopath and a patient of my own device, I find my belief in homeopathic medicine has moved away from my own recovery and is now focused on the potential for healing for others. The cause and effect that I have experienced only strengthens my commitment to push homeopathy forward to its real healing potential. This is why I have dedicated so much time and effort into education, both of myself and others, and the regulation and promotion of homeopathy. I know what homeopathy can accomplish, and see in it a true medicine with incredible potential. With homeopathy, our only limitations are those we set for ourselves.


  • Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine: 2003
  • Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine: Clinical 2004 to 2006
  • Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine Student Council President 2005
  • Member of Ontario Homeopathic Association (Student Membership) 2005
  • Graduated Diploma of Homeopathic Medicine and Health Sciences 2006
  • Professional Homeopathic Practice 2006 to present
  • Member of Ontario Homeopathic Association (Professional Membership) 2006
  • Awarded Doctor of Homeopathy by Ontario Homeopathic Association 2006
  • Elected to the Ontario Homeopathic Association Board of Directors 2007 to present
  • Pro-Active Regulatory work as a board member/ director of Ontario Homeopathic Association 2007 to 2015
  • Ontario Homeopathic Association representative – Canadian Homeopathic Conference Planning Committee 2010 to present
  • Ontario Homeopathic Association – Vice President – 2011 to 2016
  • President of One Parent Families Association – Toronto Chapter – 2012 – 2016
  • Developed association with Homéopaths de Terre Sans Frontieres, introducing the english translated knowledge to Homeopaths of Ontario for the purposes giving homeopaths tools for practice in Ontario. 2013
  • Created and developed FRAK Pak. First Responders Aid Kit for the patient and public use, in association with the Homéopaths de Terre Sans Frontiers – 2013
  • In partnership with the Homéopaths de Terre Sans Frontiers developing the idea of facilitating and training Ontario Homeopaths for Ontario Missions and participation in Honduras Missions 2013 to present
  • Developing and researching objectives for Mission North 2014 to present.
  • Regulated and registered Homeopath with the College of Homeopaths of Ontario – 2015 / 2016 / 2017
  • Ontario Homeopathic Association Board – President – 2016 / 2017